I feel like a pair of kid’s shoes! It seems like every two years we outgrow our workspace! The Digital Archive Group is proud to announce the opening of our new Chicago suburban headquarters located in Buffalo Grove, IL. The new facility provides over 4,500 square foot of archival digitization and climate-controlled storage space provides ample space for our 12 digital technicians and archivists to better serve our clients. working with multiple types of high quality digitization equipment. 4,500 sq. ft. archival digitization and climate-controlled storage facility capture and digitize over 10,000 film images per day
TDAG’s proprietary workflow combined with a fleet of over 26 scanning appliances provides us with the ability to deliver cost-effective solutions for every digitization need. What differentiates us is our ability to deliver a comprehensive digitization strategy for large, unique and assorted collections of variable assets.
Give us a call to set up an appointment to discuss your next digitization project!
The Digital Archive Group
1647 Barclay Boulevard
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089